If you ever hear someone say:
"We've always done it that way."Then something needs to change. Or at the very least you need to examine it, study it and try to find a way to do it better. If it's been around long enough to earn that line then it's probably time for an overhaul.
Think of how fast the cellphone has grown up. From humble origins to sleek, compact gadgets James Bond is proud to wield, the cell phone has come a long way in a short time. Smartphones are in a Renassiance (of sorts) and will grow more and more powerful.
And that's just one amazing advance. Tablets, netbooks, utility computing, the Cloud, the network effect and many others are changing how we work with technology. But more importantly, they are changing how we work.
Information scarcity is a thing of the past. It used to be that a morning newspaper was enough. Now it just won't cut it. Literally, at your fingertips, your computer can have critical, relevant information that you need to make decisions. If it doesn't -- then you are in trouble. You might have gotten away with it during the Industrial Economy, but soon you won't.
The Network Economy isn't a joke. It's coming at us faster than you think. Are you ready for it? You never know what little thing will trip you up down the line.
Every one of those "We've Always Done it That Way's" can be improved. They can be made smarter. Now all you have to do is find them.
Or hire me and I'll find them for you. (305) 423-9574

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