Commodities are cheap. They're easy to find, in plentiful supply and there really isn't much difference between brands. Yup. Commodities are everywhere.
Commoditizing is the act of making a process, good or service easy to obtain by making it uniform, plentiful and affordable. Something becomes commoditized when one item is nearly indistinguishable from another. Like sand, salt, iron, paperclips. All commodities.
For a small business, it's bad.
If you make your product or company a commodity, then you are cooked. There is no reason why anyone should pick you over the cheaper alternative. Price is the only thing left for commodities to fight over. And I promise you, it's a race to the bottom. Basically, don't make "commoditizing" part of your marketing plan.
But when you want to save money, commodities are where you go. Quick, which office supply paper do you buy? Do you know? Do you care? White standard bond paper is just paper. So, chances are you buy based solely on price.
Now, imagine if you could do the same thing with your business computer infrastructure.
Chances are, you think of your computer systems as a strategic asset. You think of them as a vital business tool that enables your company to get work done. And because it's important, it requires lots of money and time and energy and strange looking people who speak TechnoGeek.
But what if? What if instead of an expensive asset you could get many of your tech services as commodities? Something cheap and plentiful. Instead of expensive and rare.
That's what the Cloud Paradigm is all about. You eliminate the cost of something expensive by turning it into a commodity. As strange as it may sound, computing is a utility -- just like the electric company. You lease what you need. Why build an entire nuclear power plant when all you need is to turn on some lights? Why are you carrying the costs of technology services that can be free or damn near it?
Technology services like email, shared calendars, smartphone to computer synchronization can all be available. I bet that most of the computer tools you use daily can be commoditized.
But only if you want to save money.
Give me a call if you want to learn more. 305-423-9574
Technology services like email, shared calendars, smartphone to computer synchronization can all be available. I bet that most of the computer tools you use daily can be commoditized.
But only if you want to save money.
Give me a call if you want to learn more. 305-423-9574

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