Monday, March 10, 2008

5 Ways To Grow Your Business

There are countless methods for sale in print and online that describe how to expand your business. Some tout the value of advertising, others stress branding. However, those approaches don't do a thing to generate immediate customers, and let's face it, that's really what you want. So, here are my secrets to growing your customer base right now!

1. Always have business cards
This is the cheapest ad you have and if you don't carry them with you at all times you will miss out on opportunities.

2. Talk to everyone
Don't be shy! Introduce yourself to anyone and everyone. Give them a card then let them do most of the talking. They'll love you because you are "a good listener."

3. Volunteer
Get involved in charity events, schools and local politics. Then follow rules #1 and #2.

4. Join Chambers of Commerce & other networking groups.
Then follow rules #1 and #2.

5. Ask for referrals
Talk to your existing customers and ask for referrals. Offer commissions if necessary, but a happy customer will bring you more business.

Obviously, Number 5 only works if you have customers. But don't worry, if you follow the first four rules, eventually you will be able to implement the last rule.

So, forget about fancy books, expensive classes, more expensive consultants and all the other systems that might work. Follow these five simple rules and you are guaranteed to get more customers. That's how I've done it for more than ten years now. Good luck, now get out there and meet some new people!

R-Squared Computing - Business Technology Experts

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